Friday, October 12, 2007

To Go or Not to Go

Wow--it's October. The weather is just starting to get crisp and it feels great. I actually need a light jacket in the morning as I am preparing to leave for work. And with the coming of cooler weather I get the sense that the God is tugging at my heart. It's a call to hyper-sensitivity. The kind of awareness that senses a transition coming. I don't even know if it's THE transition, or if it's just the precursor to the MAIN deal. You know what I mean. If I am being cryptic, then I will try to clarify. I feel that I am being coached at this present moment to heighten or to elevate my level of understanding/comprehension of what the Lord is currently doing in the earth. Or at least in my particular sphere.

Yes, God is working. And yet I am discovering that His workings are so intertwined it what may appear to be so natural, that it is just possible that I might overlook it as something of my own notion.

Whatever it is, I do know this, that any hesitancy--even the slightest bit of hesitancy--could mean that I could totally miss an opportunity or a divine appointment. Lest I run the risk of sounding like a
Spooky-Pooky (as Dr. Creflo Dollar calls it) I will explain.

Two weeks ago I arrived at my Beloved's abode so that we could ride to church together. He was running late, which is rare for him, so I took the time to prepare my tithe before departing. I knew that we would be late for Compass Class and I was really looking forward to hearing Cheryl teach. Sistah Cheryl is a powerhouse and her ability to exhort the Body of Christ draws a deep reaction out of me. It's like her words physically stirs my spirit to respond to God. As we traveled down the highway, I reasoned to myself that I shouldn't disrupt the class by entering in after she had already begun to speak. Such a bad example! I chastened myself--especially since I am on the teaching team that I shouldn't be late. I was about to resign myself to just sitting in the auditorium and waiting for the 11:00 am service to begin. And as I went back and forth about this with myself, I finally resolved that I must go. I always receive revelation when I go to Compass Class so I decided to shake off embarrassment and come into class.

Although there was only twenty minutes left of class, the presence of Jesus was so evident. I was so stirred and moved. Such ministry took place! There was such a call to action. Cheryl and her husband ministered to those that had ailments in their bodies and I stood to receive prayer. I felt like I needed to tell the Lord that I would obey Him in everything. No hesitating. No second-guessing. Total obedience. I felt like I needed to tell Him that I was inviting His presence into my life at a new level and that I was on a quest to "seek Him early" rather than later--and especially not just in moments of desperation.

Oh, God is so good! After sitting down, I just wanted to bask in His presence and contemplate on what I just heard. Out of my peripheral I could see my head teacher, Chantel, approaching. When she stood in front of me she began to minister a direct word from the Lord to me. Can I just say it was right on time and right on point?

What if I had of gone into the auditorium and waited?!! Well, she wouldn't have been prompted to give the Word. And oh, what encouragement I would have missed out on! Basically God used her to confirm to me that IT IS TIME. Time to make the shift. Time to shed off distractions that have accumulated on my life. Time to shed the excess weights so that I could go higher. And in order to go higher; I must go deeper in Him. Yet, God expressed His belief in me. He knows that I will make the shift.

It amazes me how God can be in the most simple and yet natural decisions. To go or not go. I had no idea that "God" was in it. But He was and He is.

So here's the Million-dollar question for you today:
What shift do you need to make in order to access the next level God has for you--spiritually, professionally, and financially?


  1. I love this blog about being sensitive to God in the simple and natural decisions we face daily. Outstanding! So many times we miss amazing moments with our Lord because we shrug off what "seems" to be a simple "nudge". May we all be "hyper-sensitive" to the leading of the Holy Ghost and actively seek opportunities to be quickly obedient.

  2. The answer: consistent faithfulness and excellence at every instruction He tells me to do.
    I am blessed by your blog, thanks for keeping it real.
    -Melodee Forbes
