Monday, October 8, 2007

Just Getting Started

Well, I finally did it! I am starting a blog. I know, I know. You are wondering what took me so long. For some odd reason I was under the distinct impression that blogging was a reckless form of catharsis. Too much exposure for me! Having no intention on airing my laundry list of mishaps and shortcomings, I quietly withdrew from the idea. Not to mention that my father's strong aversions to openly communicating your precious "information" over the worldwide web was a bit of a deterrent to say the least. Baby Boomers--ya gotta love 'em'! Speaking of Baby Boomers, I plan on marrying one of 'em...he's on the younger end of the baby boomer generation, although he will NOT admit it. But who's counting!? :)

Anyway, after a little nudging from a few close friends regarding the vast opportunities associated with blogging, I finally conceded. My intention in starting this form of communication is to reconnect with old friends from college and particularly all my intern and staff friends from Teen Mania and the Honor Academy. My second reason for writing this blog is to prayerfully use this as a tool of ministry for those who may feel drawn to my words, thoughts and heart.

With that being said: Welcome! Grab a cup of your favorite hot (or if you're from the South, ice tea) and for you yuppies out there, Starbucks--(I recommend the Caramel Macchiato, upside-down, with an extra splash of caramel) and enjoy!


  1. Congratulation!! I'm soooo excited that you have started a blog.

    I look forward to reading all the insight you will be sharing!

  2. Excellent Ms. V.
    God is really speaking through you.
    Your picture is beautiful.
    Thank you for your godly wisdom.
    Your future husband is a blessed man, because he has a Proverbs 31 woman.

    Debra and I are godly proud of you!
    Cousin Rob
    P.S. How is your stream (electricity) service going?
    Do you have any referrals for me?

    I call you blessed in Jesus name!

  3. I love you Valencia and I am so excited to read your thoughts!
