This is what it's all about! I wanted to leave a link for you to an inspiring video that will make your day.
Tell me what you think!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Quiet Reflections
A few short days ago I received a call from my sister informing me that one of the students from my youth group days had passed away. He was 24 years old. Can I tell you how much it pains my heart to see a young person die before his time?! Die before"his race" ever really got started. Die before he had the chance to see what God had prepared before the ages of time-- the good paths that he should walk in.
Although much younger than me, he wanted to be around the older kids. He was kind of like the younger brother that you include in everything and sometimes have to remind yourself that he is almost a decade younger than yourself. My most vivid memories of this young man was when I served as the Assistant Drama Director for the youth ministry's drama team during my high school and college years (during college I would come home for breaks or after missions trips and help the director with script writing for upcoming fall retreats, youth rallies and what not).
I was unfailing strict--a Harvey trait that runs through my veins. And although I have lightened up a little...just a little...I had and still do possess a passion to see youth really get it! I mean, really get God. I am an advocate of mentorship and accountability and I believe that when a child or student has the appointed voice of another adult enforcing the reality of a living God in everyday life, then I believe that we can truly prevent long and dangerous detours down destructive paths.
I am passionate out missions. You know what I used to love about taking a teenager on a missions trip!? I used to love making them lead in corporate prayer and devotions or take the lead in the ministry of the laying on of hands so that they could pray the prayer of faith over an adult who was sick with a disease. When that sick person got up completely well, I knew in that moment that that teenager was convinced! He was convinced of the reality of a Savior. The scripture was no longer nice religion or good theory but it was LIFE!
Sometimes I think I am just too radical and too extreme for some. I mean I honestly believe that a child doesn't have to stray. If they stray it's because we, the Church, are a boring lot. We are stiff and we are dead. There is nothing that really challenges them, provokes them and yes, even scares them enough to come and take a closer look at a Living God. I see it in youth now. Those who have grown up in a home with BOTH parents, at church every week, etc. and yet something draws them away. The Book of James says it well when it says, "Every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed..."
I think about my desires. The good ones gone wild (out of proportion and imbalanced, my obsessions). And I think about the dark ones, too. I think about desires that run deep within our family line...generations back, that if fed rather than starved, will mean my very destruction.
Today I am thinking about the youth in my church, both past, present and future. Are they bored? Have we as the Church bored them? What about the kid that is adventurous and super-passionate? Are we channeling that sense of adventure responsibly or do we overlook it as a phase that they will grow out of? Is it phase or is it a tell-tale sign to something more?
Here's another question. Is it possible for a kid to still be entertained and have fun in church and still be bored? Deep thoughts. I mean bored in their spirits. Bored in their gut.
What about our youth that have an insatiable desire for sexual intimacy? How long has it lain dormant? When did it first surface? I know at the end of the day, you can not remove the power of choice. Free will. But I ask you, what are we doing to be a catalyst for change? I can not just sit and watch anymore youth that grew up in the church and had a legitimate relationship with Christ, turn away and loose decades of their lives to the deception of world. (the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, the deceitfulness of riches)
The Book of James goes on to say that when desire is conceived it brings forth sin and sin (when it comes to full term) brings forth death.
I have been mulling over the idea about what my response will be to this recent death. It is the second death in about a four to five year period. The first death from our youth group was a young man of 28 years of age. And if you rewind about fifteen years earlier we had two teens die to violence. Neither one was twenty years of age. Just poor decisions. Poor influences. According to two of my former youth leaders, that twenty-four year old man did get things right with God on his death bed. I am indeed grateful to God for this. But oh what life could have been!
So, I ask myself: "Valencia, how long are you going to just talk about this? What will be your response?" I don't know how often I have allowed myself to be paralyzed by indecision, passivity and doubt. Not sure of how to start, I stare numbly at the myriad of questions thinking: "If only I knew what to do."
I think I am supposed to gather the youth I grew up with. I think we need a reunion. I think we need to be reminded of how rich the good Word of God was and still is and begin to actively apply it to our lives. I think many of us need to be encouraged, hugged and told that "God is still for us and that God believes in us." I think we need to be told that we can "redeem the time lost" by the grace of God! I think we need to have our old leaders, men and women of standard, to breathe life into us again and answer the ancient question out of the Book of Ezekiel, "Can these bones live?"
To those reading this post: Please hold me accountable. Pray that I might walk in the courage and the faith to bring this thing to pass! Pray that God would begin to draw the people now, in their mid-twenties and early thirties, back unto Himself. Pray the Lord of the Harvest would send laborers out into His fields.
Millionaire Dollar Question:
Within your circle of influence, what "thing" has died that God would desire for YOU to resurrect? What's your first step?
For your reading pleasure--
I wanted to give you the full text of Scripture regarding speaking to "the dead bones" in your life (circle of influence). Oh remember that although this scripture is indeed talking about the nation of Israel in that natural sense, spiritually speaking, "Israel" is also a type and shadow of the Church. Please keep this in mind when you are reading this passage.
Exekial 37:1-14
1 The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" So I answered, "O Lord God, You know." 4 Again He said to me, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord." ' " 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. 9 Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." ' " 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. 11 Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, 'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!' 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. 13 Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. 14 I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it," says the Lord.' "
Although much younger than me, he wanted to be around the older kids. He was kind of like the younger brother that you include in everything and sometimes have to remind yourself that he is almost a decade younger than yourself. My most vivid memories of this young man was when I served as the Assistant Drama Director for the youth ministry's drama team during my high school and college years (during college I would come home for breaks or after missions trips and help the director with script writing for upcoming fall retreats, youth rallies and what not).
I was unfailing strict--a Harvey trait that runs through my veins. And although I have lightened up a little...just a little...I had and still do possess a passion to see youth really get it! I mean, really get God. I am an advocate of mentorship and accountability and I believe that when a child or student has the appointed voice of another adult enforcing the reality of a living God in everyday life, then I believe that we can truly prevent long and dangerous detours down destructive paths.
I am passionate out missions. You know what I used to love about taking a teenager on a missions trip!? I used to love making them lead in corporate prayer and devotions or take the lead in the ministry of the laying on of hands so that they could pray the prayer of faith over an adult who was sick with a disease. When that sick person got up completely well, I knew in that moment that that teenager was convinced! He was convinced of the reality of a Savior. The scripture was no longer nice religion or good theory but it was LIFE!
Sometimes I think I am just too radical and too extreme for some. I mean I honestly believe that a child doesn't have to stray. If they stray it's because we, the Church, are a boring lot. We are stiff and we are dead. There is nothing that really challenges them, provokes them and yes, even scares them enough to come and take a closer look at a Living God. I see it in youth now. Those who have grown up in a home with BOTH parents, at church every week, etc. and yet something draws them away. The Book of James says it well when it says, "Every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed..."
I think about my desires. The good ones gone wild (out of proportion and imbalanced, my obsessions). And I think about the dark ones, too. I think about desires that run deep within our family line...generations back, that if fed rather than starved, will mean my very destruction.
Today I am thinking about the youth in my church, both past, present and future. Are they bored? Have we as the Church bored them? What about the kid that is adventurous and super-passionate? Are we channeling that sense of adventure responsibly or do we overlook it as a phase that they will grow out of? Is it phase or is it a tell-tale sign to something more?
Here's another question. Is it possible for a kid to still be entertained and have fun in church and still be bored? Deep thoughts. I mean bored in their spirits. Bored in their gut.
What about our youth that have an insatiable desire for sexual intimacy? How long has it lain dormant? When did it first surface? I know at the end of the day, you can not remove the power of choice. Free will. But I ask you, what are we doing to be a catalyst for change? I can not just sit and watch anymore youth that grew up in the church and had a legitimate relationship with Christ, turn away and loose decades of their lives to the deception of world. (the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, the deceitfulness of riches)
The Book of James goes on to say that when desire is conceived it brings forth sin and sin (when it comes to full term) brings forth death.
I have been mulling over the idea about what my response will be to this recent death. It is the second death in about a four to five year period. The first death from our youth group was a young man of 28 years of age. And if you rewind about fifteen years earlier we had two teens die to violence. Neither one was twenty years of age. Just poor decisions. Poor influences. According to two of my former youth leaders, that twenty-four year old man did get things right with God on his death bed. I am indeed grateful to God for this. But oh what life could have been!
So, I ask myself: "Valencia, how long are you going to just talk about this? What will be your response?" I don't know how often I have allowed myself to be paralyzed by indecision, passivity and doubt. Not sure of how to start, I stare numbly at the myriad of questions thinking: "If only I knew what to do."
I think I am supposed to gather the youth I grew up with. I think we need a reunion. I think we need to be reminded of how rich the good Word of God was and still is and begin to actively apply it to our lives. I think many of us need to be encouraged, hugged and told that "God is still for us and that God believes in us." I think we need to be told that we can "redeem the time lost" by the grace of God! I think we need to have our old leaders, men and women of standard, to breathe life into us again and answer the ancient question out of the Book of Ezekiel, "Can these bones live?"
To those reading this post: Please hold me accountable. Pray that I might walk in the courage and the faith to bring this thing to pass! Pray that God would begin to draw the people now, in their mid-twenties and early thirties, back unto Himself. Pray the Lord of the Harvest would send laborers out into His fields.
Millionaire Dollar Question:
Within your circle of influence, what "thing" has died that God would desire for YOU to resurrect? What's your first step?
For your reading pleasure--
I wanted to give you the full text of Scripture regarding speaking to "the dead bones" in your life (circle of influence). Oh remember that although this scripture is indeed talking about the nation of Israel in that natural sense, spiritually speaking, "Israel" is also a type and shadow of the Church. Please keep this in mind when you are reading this passage.
Exekial 37:1-14
1 The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" So I answered, "O Lord God, You know." 4 Again He said to me, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord." ' " 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. 9 Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." ' " 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. 11 Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, 'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!' 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. 13 Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. 14 I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it," says the Lord.' "
Friday, October 12, 2007
To Go or Not to Go
Wow--it's October. The weather is just starting to get crisp and it feels great. I actually need a light jacket in the morning as I am preparing to leave for work. And with the coming of cooler weather I get the sense that the God is tugging at my heart. It's a call to hyper-sensitivity. The kind of awareness that senses a transition coming. I don't even know if it's THE transition, or if it's just the precursor to the MAIN deal. You know what I mean. If I am being cryptic, then I will try to clarify. I feel that I am being coached at this present moment to heighten or to elevate my level of understanding/comprehension of what the Lord is currently doing in the earth. Or at least in my particular sphere.
Yes, God is working. And yet I am discovering that His workings are so intertwined it what may appear to be so natural, that it is just possible that I might overlook it as something of my own notion.
Whatever it is, I do know this, that any hesitancy--even the slightest bit of hesitancy--could mean that I could totally miss an opportunity or a divine appointment. Lest I run the risk of sounding like a
Spooky-Pooky (as Dr. Creflo Dollar calls it) I will explain.
Two weeks ago I arrived at my Beloved's abode so that we could ride to church together. He was running late, which is rare for him, so I took the time to prepare my tithe before departing. I knew that we would be late for Compass Class and I was really looking forward to hearing Cheryl teach. Sistah Cheryl is a powerhouse and her ability to exhort the Body of Christ draws a deep reaction out of me. It's like her words physically stirs my spirit to respond to God. As we traveled down the highway, I reasoned to myself that I shouldn't disrupt the class by entering in after she had already begun to speak. Such a bad example! I chastened myself--especially since I am on the teaching team that I shouldn't be late. I was about to resign myself to just sitting in the auditorium and waiting for the 11:00 am service to begin. And as I went back and forth about this with myself, I finally resolved that I must go. I always receive revelation when I go to Compass Class so I decided to shake off embarrassment and come into class.
Although there was only twenty minutes left of class, the presence of Jesus was so evident. I was so stirred and moved. Such ministry took place! There was such a call to action. Cheryl and her husband ministered to those that had ailments in their bodies and I stood to receive prayer. I felt like I needed to tell the Lord that I would obey Him in everything. No hesitating. No second-guessing. Total obedience. I felt like I needed to tell Him that I was inviting His presence into my life at a new level and that I was on a quest to "seek Him early" rather than later--and especially not just in moments of desperation.
Oh, God is so good! After sitting down, I just wanted to bask in His presence and contemplate on what I just heard. Out of my peripheral I could see my head teacher, Chantel, approaching. When she stood in front of me she began to minister a direct word from the Lord to me. Can I just say it was right on time and right on point?
What if I had of gone into the auditorium and waited?!! Well, she wouldn't have been prompted to give the Word. And oh, what encouragement I would have missed out on! Basically God used her to confirm to me that IT IS TIME. Time to make the shift. Time to shed off distractions that have accumulated on my life. Time to shed the excess weights so that I could go higher. And in order to go higher; I must go deeper in Him. Yet, God expressed His belief in me. He knows that I will make the shift.
It amazes me how God can be in the most simple and yet natural decisions. To go or not go. I had no idea that "God" was in it. But He was and He is.
So here's the Million-dollar question for you today:
What shift do you need to make in order to access the next level God has for you--spiritually, professionally, and financially?
Yes, God is working. And yet I am discovering that His workings are so intertwined it what may appear to be so natural, that it is just possible that I might overlook it as something of my own notion.
Whatever it is, I do know this, that any hesitancy--even the slightest bit of hesitancy--could mean that I could totally miss an opportunity or a divine appointment. Lest I run the risk of sounding like a
Spooky-Pooky (as Dr. Creflo Dollar calls it) I will explain.
Two weeks ago I arrived at my Beloved's abode so that we could ride to church together. He was running late, which is rare for him, so I took the time to prepare my tithe before departing. I knew that we would be late for Compass Class and I was really looking forward to hearing Cheryl teach. Sistah Cheryl is a powerhouse and her ability to exhort the Body of Christ draws a deep reaction out of me. It's like her words physically stirs my spirit to respond to God. As we traveled down the highway, I reasoned to myself that I shouldn't disrupt the class by entering in after she had already begun to speak. Such a bad example! I chastened myself--especially since I am on the teaching team that I shouldn't be late. I was about to resign myself to just sitting in the auditorium and waiting for the 11:00 am service to begin. And as I went back and forth about this with myself, I finally resolved that I must go. I always receive revelation when I go to Compass Class so I decided to shake off embarrassment and come into class.
Although there was only twenty minutes left of class, the presence of Jesus was so evident. I was so stirred and moved. Such ministry took place! There was such a call to action. Cheryl and her husband ministered to those that had ailments in their bodies and I stood to receive prayer. I felt like I needed to tell the Lord that I would obey Him in everything. No hesitating. No second-guessing. Total obedience. I felt like I needed to tell Him that I was inviting His presence into my life at a new level and that I was on a quest to "seek Him early" rather than later--and especially not just in moments of desperation.
Oh, God is so good! After sitting down, I just wanted to bask in His presence and contemplate on what I just heard. Out of my peripheral I could see my head teacher, Chantel, approaching. When she stood in front of me she began to minister a direct word from the Lord to me. Can I just say it was right on time and right on point?
What if I had of gone into the auditorium and waited?!! Well, she wouldn't have been prompted to give the Word. And oh, what encouragement I would have missed out on! Basically God used her to confirm to me that IT IS TIME. Time to make the shift. Time to shed off distractions that have accumulated on my life. Time to shed the excess weights so that I could go higher. And in order to go higher; I must go deeper in Him. Yet, God expressed His belief in me. He knows that I will make the shift.
It amazes me how God can be in the most simple and yet natural decisions. To go or not go. I had no idea that "God" was in it. But He was and He is.
So here's the Million-dollar question for you today:
What shift do you need to make in order to access the next level God has for you--spiritually, professionally, and financially?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Under the Microscope
Today I spent much of my afternoon reading through the posts contributed on a fellow alumni's myspace. The topic of discussion? Accountability in the Church body at large. There was a general air of discontent and frustration regarding the slow and seductive pull that power has on an individual. When does the intoxication actually begin and what can we do to guard against it's gravitational pull in our own lives? How many private indiscretions have to become public scandals before we take personal ownership and responsibility?
While discussing this matter with a close friend, she reminded me of this: "You can rest assured that before God judges a man or woman publicly He has spent years judging them in private." I couldn't agree with her more. Such is the compassionate nature of our Father. Pastor Keith Moore says this in effect: "God doesn't want you to miss it. He wants to lead you. And so if you're not hearing Him, He will tell you again. And if you don't hear Him, then He will tell you again. And if you miss it, well, He will tell you again. And if you still don't hear, then He will give you a dream. And if you didn't get it, then He will give you another dream. And if you still don't hear Him, then He will send someone to tell you. And if you don't hear them, He will send another person to tell you. And if you you get my drift? This could go on for years. Look at the account of this Israelites in Exodus. He is so longsuffering and so patient with us. Yet, I am learning that God's mercy can also take on the form of judgment in my own life--that is--if I am unwillingly to judge myself. And if I continue to ignore the little urges to from the Holy Spirit to change.
Yes, when a public figure in the Church Body is under public scrutiny surely even this, is God's mercy--as painful as it is to the flesh and to our ego.
The problem with ego, particularly if you are in some degree of lime light, is that we start to believe our own press. It's like we diligently follow the feedback of our fans...the groupies that are mesmerized with the way we talk, the way we move and the way we act. A number of years back, a friend and I were discussing the implications of accountability and the need for us to establish preliminary guidelines of what accountability looked like in practical terms. Accountability was new to us and we were kind of adding, subtracting and revising as we went along. Then all of a sudden her tone became somber and direct as she said to me: "If you are going to be impressed with my giftings and my anointing then we cannot be friends. I have had enough of that in my life. I do not need a friend who is impressed with me. I need the knife--brutal and honest. I need to know the truth about me."
That was almost ten years ago and I have never forgotten it. And although we live hundreds..possibly a thousand...miles apart she is-- hands down-- the most honest force of truth in my life (outside of the Word of God). I do have mentors and other friends that hold me accountable in areas. But she by far has the most holistic look into my life where even the sacred and treasured, yes, even "cherished sins" are up for scrutiny. Sounds uncomfortable, doesn't it? Yes, but surprisingly it is quite liberating. It is a safeguard that continually helps me to "overcome" myself. Because let me tell you, I can get in the way of God's best for my life. Can anyone relate?
Authentic accountability is a deep dive into humility. And our willingness to clothe ourselves in it will be the protection we need from the seductive pull of power unchecked and imbalanced.
While discussing this matter with a close friend, she reminded me of this: "You can rest assured that before God judges a man or woman publicly He has spent years judging them in private." I couldn't agree with her more. Such is the compassionate nature of our Father. Pastor Keith Moore says this in effect: "God doesn't want you to miss it. He wants to lead you. And so if you're not hearing Him, He will tell you again. And if you don't hear Him, then He will tell you again. And if you miss it, well, He will tell you again. And if you still don't hear, then He will give you a dream. And if you didn't get it, then He will give you another dream. And if you still don't hear Him, then He will send someone to tell you. And if you don't hear them, He will send another person to tell you. And if you you get my drift? This could go on for years. Look at the account of this Israelites in Exodus. He is so longsuffering and so patient with us. Yet, I am learning that God's mercy can also take on the form of judgment in my own life--that is--if I am unwillingly to judge myself. And if I continue to ignore the little urges to from the Holy Spirit to change.
Yes, when a public figure in the Church Body is under public scrutiny surely even this, is God's mercy--as painful as it is to the flesh and to our ego.
The problem with ego, particularly if you are in some degree of lime light, is that we start to believe our own press. It's like we diligently follow the feedback of our fans...the groupies that are mesmerized with the way we talk, the way we move and the way we act. A number of years back, a friend and I were discussing the implications of accountability and the need for us to establish preliminary guidelines of what accountability looked like in practical terms. Accountability was new to us and we were kind of adding, subtracting and revising as we went along. Then all of a sudden her tone became somber and direct as she said to me: "If you are going to be impressed with my giftings and my anointing then we cannot be friends. I have had enough of that in my life. I do not need a friend who is impressed with me. I need the knife--brutal and honest. I need to know the truth about me."
That was almost ten years ago and I have never forgotten it. And although we live hundreds..possibly a thousand...miles apart she is-- hands down-- the most honest force of truth in my life (outside of the Word of God). I do have mentors and other friends that hold me accountable in areas. But she by far has the most holistic look into my life where even the sacred and treasured, yes, even "cherished sins" are up for scrutiny. Sounds uncomfortable, doesn't it? Yes, but surprisingly it is quite liberating. It is a safeguard that continually helps me to "overcome" myself. Because let me tell you, I can get in the way of God's best for my life. Can anyone relate?
Authentic accountability is a deep dive into humility. And our willingness to clothe ourselves in it will be the protection we need from the seductive pull of power unchecked and imbalanced.
Monday, October 8, 2007

Just Getting Started
Well, I finally did it! I am starting a blog. I know, I know. You are wondering what took me so long. For some odd reason I was under the distinct impression that blogging was a reckless form of catharsis. Too much exposure for me! Having no intention on airing my laundry list of mishaps and shortcomings, I quietly withdrew from the idea. Not to mention that my father's strong aversions to openly communicating your precious "information" over the worldwide web was a bit of a deterrent to say the least. Baby Boomers--ya gotta love 'em'! Speaking of Baby Boomers, I plan on marrying one of 'em...he's on the younger end of the baby boomer generation, although he will NOT admit it. But who's counting!? :)
Anyway, after a little nudging from a few close friends regarding the vast opportunities associated with blogging, I finally conceded. My intention in starting this form of communication is to reconnect with old friends from college and particularly all my intern and staff friends from Teen Mania and the Honor Academy. My second reason for writing this blog is to prayerfully use this as a tool of ministry for those who may feel drawn to my words, thoughts and heart.
With that being said: Welcome! Grab a cup of your favorite hot (or if you're from the South, ice tea) and for you yuppies out there, Starbucks--(I recommend the Caramel Macchiato, upside-down, with an extra splash of caramel) and enjoy!
Anyway, after a little nudging from a few close friends regarding the vast opportunities associated with blogging, I finally conceded. My intention in starting this form of communication is to reconnect with old friends from college and particularly all my intern and staff friends from Teen Mania and the Honor Academy. My second reason for writing this blog is to prayerfully use this as a tool of ministry for those who may feel drawn to my words, thoughts and heart.
With that being said: Welcome! Grab a cup of your favorite hot (or if you're from the South, ice tea) and for you yuppies out there, Starbucks--(I recommend the Caramel Macchiato, upside-down, with an extra splash of caramel) and enjoy!
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